Lauren Willig’s enchanting Pink Carnation series is
basically Georgette Heyer meets The Scarlet Pimpernel with a bit of Bridget
Jones. If ever I were to paste the term “something for everyone”, I would
use it as a label for this fresh series. Fresh, still, and uncannily, seeing as it is on its 9th
But the plot-within-a-plot structure, coupled with Willig’s
devotion to the time period and her fervor for splendid and sparkly research
provide readers with another glimpse into the world of romance, danger and
espionage: this time, featuring the newest in the network of the Pink
Carnation, the beautifully named Augustus Whittlesby and the New York
born Emma Morris Delagardie.
Sparks fly, intrigue ensues and it is up to the American
student Eloise and her erstwhile love interest Colin Selwick to excavate once
more some of the most endearing, endangering, sexy and suave history of the
British Empire.I especially enjoyed Augustus Whittlesby’s penchant for bad
poetry. Of all of Willig’s incredible captivating regency heroes, this one proved
to be the closest descendant of Sir Percy Blakeney, that indomitable and
elusive Pimpernel.
I realize that my thoughts here are rather over-arching and
not as specific to this particular novel and that is because, after looking
through my blog, I don’t think that I have ever written about this series
previously and I want readers to pursue the entire series. ALL OF IT! I have
enjoyed all 9 books immensely and crave many, many more and I would heartily
recommend starting at the very beginning ( especially for the well-worthwhile
introduction to the Pink Carnation ring and to Eloise and Colin and their
charming exploits around a beautiful old English manor: said to house the
greatest secrets of the scheming carnation and her floral-power counterparts …)
I mostly enjoy Willig’s work because her passion for the
period and for romance and for the tongue-in-cheek reverence that follows is so
deftly acute. It infuses every one of her books and makes for rip-roaring fun.

I heartily recommend The Garden Intrigue, yes; but strongly
advise the entire series for optimal enjoyment.
Just see if you don’t fall for dashing Augustus and his
dastardly couplets, verses and rhymes
-Visit Lauren Willig
-Find the sequence of the Pink Carnation series here
-Buy the Garden Intrigue on Amazon
-My thanks to TLC for allowing me to host the most recent
book by one of my favourite contemporary writers.
I really need to get back to this series. I have only read the first book so far...
I really need to get into this series...
Glad Blogger finally cooperated with you!
This does sound like a wonderful read! I hope many people take your recommendation and dive into this series.
Thanks for being on the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.
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