The Worst Advice You’ll Ever Get On Writing Romance
Hi, my name is Kara and I have a confession.
I write romances and not much makes me happier than a great romantic comedy
(book or movie) but I am totally ambivalent about Valentine’s Day.
I also know nothing about writing romantic
scenes. Which is what Rachel suggested that I write my Valentine’s love and
romance post about. So she really picked the wrong gal for this one. Sorry,
Here’s the thing. Evidence suggests I’m not
horrible at this romance gig. I have a few contest wins to my name, an awesome
agent, and editors have said nice things, so why the fear that I’m finally
about to be outed as a fraud when someone asks me to write about writing
Let me go on a little tangent. You know,
how when you were growing up, you had the
list? The one that delineated the spiritual/emotional/physical characteristics
of your soulmate-true-love-forever-God-ordained perfect match?
And then you met him. That guy who ticked
every single box on that list. And you connected with him on the same level as
you do with the average potted plant.
And it made no sense. This was the guy. Who fit the list. Yet where there should have been crazy chemistry there was
the romantic equivalent of a bowl of wet cornflakes.
This is why I feel completely out of my
depth giving anyone advice about writing romance. Because, like people, often your
characters either have the magic or they don’t.
And sometimes there is no reason why. You’ve
done their Myers-Briggs profiles, delved into their hurts, strengths and
weaknesses, done everything it is possible to do to make your fictional couple
the perfect match. Then you put them together on the page and **crickets
True story. I had one of my manuscripts all
planned out. My heroine was going to be on a call-in radio show and be re-connected
with an ex-boyfriend. It was going to be Nicholas Sparks meets Becky Wade meets
Francine Rivers kind of romance awesome.
Until, before the poor ex-boyfriend could
even pick up the phone, my heroine went and fell for the radio show host. This
guy who was supposed to be in one scene, only there because I needed his show
to connect my two estranged true loves, suddenly took over my whole story. Why?
Because this crazy chemistry showed up on the page and refused to be hustled
into the professional plutonic scene it was supposed to be.
That’s why I can’t get anyone advice about
writing the kind of tingling, happy grinning, crazy chemistry, romance that
people want to read. Because, I honest to goodness, don’t know exactly how it
happens. All I know is that if you can
get two characters on the page who spark, then your biggest battle in writing a
romance that people want to read is won.
And that, dear Rachel’s blog readers, is my
truly best advice on writing romance. You’re welcome J

P.S. You know that list? Top of my list was
“no facial hair” (sorry, I mean top of my list was “loves Jesus”, then “no
facial hair”). Guess what, still hate facial hair. I look with pity upon all
those women who have to tolerate their husbands doing Movember and growing
giant slugs on their faces. Exception to the rule: my husband. I’ve seen him
without it once and told him to never
ever ever ever EVER do that again. God works in mysterious ways, people.
Kara Isaac lives in Wellington, New Zealand. By day she is a mum of two, pastor's wife and public servant. By night she is a professional bather, tidy upperer, peace negotiator, laundry folder, closet Bachelor fan, and occasional romantic comedy writer. Represented by Chip MacGregor of MacGregor Literary Inc. she loves to connect with fellow romance lovers on Twitter @KaraIsaac and Facebook at Kara Isaac - Writer
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Fantabulous post, Kara. Really enjoyed reading it. :)
Love this post and all the romance you write, especially weird metaphors like "bowl of cornflakes" that totally work.
To me, these are the best, most authentic romances on paper and in real life -- the ones that defy *the list* :)
I'm also a PK too, Rachel (who swore she'd never marry a pastor!) Thanks for inviting me to come visit :)
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