Fortunately, about four years ago, I got a much better
handle on things. I read voraciously about nutrition, about what I need to
survive; about what exercise I can do and how I can work with what I have. Always active, I am now extremely fit and
healthy; but as healthy as I am and no matter how healthy I eat and live and
exercise; I still have those persistent, mosquito-like thoughts. They don’t go away. They ring through my
brain. They always will.And I
desperately, desperately want to be THAT girl: the girl who maybe has a day or
two where she feels a tad pudgy or who over-eats at a BBQ and has a moment of
remorse; but then MOVES on…
I relish food guilt, I relish standing in front of a mirror,
running my index finger over my ribs and around the decidedly different
proportions between my waist and my hips and thinking: “ I wish I lived in the Victorian
era. I could get away with hourglass then”
Never: “wow! Look at me! I look like a HUMAN GIRL!” and Megan Dietz
wants me to see-saw my opinion of myself to the latter. That body image,
regardless of era-centric ideal is something varied and wonderful. Dietz wants us to own what we have, to be
happy, to look at pictures on facebook and not have our mind-radar target each
and every supposed flaw; rather to remember the happy time when the photo
taken, what were we doing. Were we happy?
Dietz ( in her ridiculously reasonably priced Kindle book )
through a blend of snark and sass gives women a bit of a guidebook on how to
survive each day as, well, as a woman in a 21st Century world where appearance
is everything, where our bodies are forgotten as portals for goodness and
strength and agility and are, instead, conscripted by a self-reflective constant appraisal and,
as society would have it, constant disappointment.
What strikes me about women is how they rail against
societal dictations and still subscribe. When it comes to my body I am the
world’s biggest hypocrite. As a proud equalist with feministic ridging who
believes that women have the strength and power to be all; as a fervent
believer that we should applaud the good and beauty in every form, I am still a
prisoner to the ideal. I am baited to
the constant comparison. I am a victim
to the standard I can never live up to.
Dietz doesn’t suggest that these thoughts will go away; but
she gives reasonable suggestions for reining them in. She craves and revels in enjoyment; in the dichotomy;
in the contrast between our railing against image and our embracing of the
ideal thrust upon us by the media.
She also allows us a keen insight into her world: a curvy
girl who entered a beauty pageant, who watched hours of herself on film just to
get to the point where she could find the good apart from that immediate moment
when we universally zero in on our flaws. She speaks to a friendship found outside
of the convention of image and she speaks to the crazy mindset that has brought
us this far. She’s too smart and savvy to couch this in a typical “self-help”
way. Rather, she offers you a glass of proverbial wine and invites you to gab
about it with her. Gab outside of the
restricting structure of comparative hate and loathing ( you know, we all do
it---we get together with our girlfriends and the comparative hating begins).
Dietz wants us to reclaim the female space outside of society’s permeating
judgment. She wants us to spend more of
our life thinking about what our bodies can do, what we are made of ( of
sterner stuff than cosmetic packaging) and how we can find constant enjoyment.
She wants us to be the generation that stops the insanity:
that leads it away from mothers inherently (and inadvertently) imparting the
same impractical wisdom on young girls. Dietz rightfully claims that we have
more opportunity afforded us than any generation of women previously and yet we
still fall into the same patriarchal trap when it comes to image. We need to
renounce once and for all the conceptualization of ideal beauty as identified
through the media. We need to stop
acting so bloody insane about it.
It’s a powerful and uplifting and funny ( snortle orange
juice out your nose type of funny) book and I highly recommend you skip over to
amazon and buy the Kindle edition. Every woman I know has something they would
like to change about themselves and I am getting a little tired of it, aren’t
Jennifer Weiner would love this book, fyi.
Oh, Rachel, this is such an honest and wonderful post. I don't think I have quite the relationship with food that you have experienced, but I DO get very frustrated when I don't see the exercise I force myself to do translate into weight loss. Even when I can feel that I am stronger and better and healthier, I still get annoyed when the inches don't go away. This sounds like a great way to turn that aside and have positive energy and feelings about yourself. It's funny- girls can be so confident in themselves in every other arena and then become so obsessive and insecure when it comes to their bodies. For instance, I couldn't tell you the last time I wore a swimsuit.
Do you think the book really changed your way of thinking? Or was just something you read and then will fade away with time?
I lift my glass to you. *cheers*
What Jess said. This sounds well worth the $2.99!
I know what to do ... alas, I'm lazy, busy and love food.
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