When I was in undergrad, Jack and Ate were my literary boyfriends. I devoured the trilogy and waited FOREVER for the next release. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Absolute Honour (back when it was first published in Canada) and I think I just sat and looked at it and clapped.
The Blooding of Jack Absolute is one of my absolute FAVOURITE historical novels and as you all know I read historical fiction like it's going outta style, that says a lot.
Humphreys is an epically well-rounded author. In fact, I don't think he can write anything subpar or mediocre: from his YA forays to his exploration of the Anne Boleyn period to Vlad the Impaler and even to Constantinople and Shakespeare! He kinda does it all. The rest of us should just hang our heads in shame.
But for me, it's JACK! ... always Jack! And Ate, of course. These books taught me as a developing writer ( far more in the beginning of my formative years when I first read them ten or so years ago) that the best books spark and sizzle with personality. That you should write what you love. It is so obvious that there is so much of the author in these books ---sense of humour, passion for Hamlet! and history and staged flourish-- that the books, in turn, are bright and sparkling and wonderful to read. Ack! here I am again....waxing loquaciously about Jack and Ate...
this happens a lot, mea culpa.
Instead, CC Humphreys was kind enough to answer some questions !
1.) You paint a
myriad of historical backgrounds in your fiction often featuring real-life
personages from the times of Anne Boleyn, Vlad the Impaler, Shakespeare and----
in the Jack Absolute books---Richard Brinsley Sheridan. How difficult is it
to blend fact and fiction in this way and seamless integrate real-life
characters into the action of the novel?

2.) What drew you
to the Plains of Abraham for Jack's second (first chronological) adventure?
This is a well-known subject for Canadian history students; but unfamiliar to a
greater reading populous.
When I was at school (back in
pre-history!) the battle was still well taught. But ‘empire’ as a concept has
gone out of fashion, the negatives outweighing the positives. But it was so
important in North American history – and just so dramatic! The last roll of
the dice. The midnight climb up those cliffs (which I did as research, though
in the middle of the day). Irresistible to Jack – and to me, of course.
3.) How does your
passion for theatricality and your stage background (including the sword
fighting! ) inform your literary choices?
Hugely. I always feel I create
characters that, if they were ever to make it to the screen (and I hope they
do!), would really stand out. Even the minor ones have something ‘to play’,
some trait, some objective to pursue. Also, I love to advance the action with
dialogue. I can hear my characters speaking the lines. As for swordfighting –
well, I love swords, so love depicting them being wielded.
4.) You are
one of the few authors who can successfully transition between Young
Adult fiction and adult Historical; are these writing experiences different?
They are – but not as different as
you might imagine. Its all storytelling and it’s more in the choice of subject
and character that they might differ rather than in the execution. I think
teens are able to handle most things grown ups can. I don’t tend to linger much
in my writing, but perhaps I do cut to the chase even more quickly in my YA
5.) Do you like
Game of Thrones?
I actually can’t read the books. I
tried but they are just too… scattered. I appreciate the skill of the world
building but like to follow certain characters and hate to see them vanish for
150 pages at a time. I am hooked on the series – it distills it all down, and
the acting and script are excellent.
6.) When do we
get to see Jack and Ate again?
Alas, Ate only makes a brief
appearance in the next Jack adventure, ‘Absolute Honour’. Sad, because I love
writing him. But if I get the chance I will definitely write more of the
Mohawk. I have the sequel to the first novel a quarter written and he’s big in
Apparently you can buy a free preview on amazon kindle; but you don't want the free preview--- just buy the entire trilogy. now.
Ah, Rachel, you always give me a boost! I love that you love Jack so! I think I am going to have to force my publishers to let me write another just for you. Please recruit an army that demands that. I would like nothing better. Thanks for the witty words. CC
Always a good conversationalist... This was great.
Ate Ate Ate Jack Ate!
Thanks for the link, lady!
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