Miss Fisher knows EVERYONE AND THEIR DOG so is
always at the scene of the crime because there is always a crime
Miss Fisher knows EVERYONE AND THEIR DOG so she
always knows someone who is somehow involved/witness to/victim of said crime
Miss Fisher is always wearing red lipstick;
except when she is in bed when she is not
Jack is always like: You! Get outta here!
But, then he relents because he LOVES HER
Hugh is always amused by Miss Fisher
Miss Fisher is amused that Hugh is amused
Miss Fisher has “not taken anything seriously
since 1918)
Dot is the Catholicest Catholic
Hugh is the Protestantiest Protestant
10.) Burt
and Cec are…. Ernie and Bert, Aussie style
11.) I
never understand who Jane lives with—Miss Fisher? Miriam Margolyes? Where
12.) Butler’s
name is Mr. Butler. Obviously
13.) Okay
seriously. When does Phryne have time for her obviously excellent exercise
regime. Have you seen her arm muscles?
14.) I
want Miss Fisher’s cheekbones
15.) These
Australians –well the higher class professional ones, like Jack and Phryne,
don’t really sound Australian
16.) Where
is Miss Fisher’s money from?
17.) Miss
Fisher hooks up with EVERYONE! Because she knows everyone --- some of
them in the biblical sense
18.) If
Jack and Miss Fisher do not end up together married and happy, I will seriously
consider ending my existence
19.) I
don’t wanna read these books because there won’t be enough Jack
20.) The
way Jack looks at Miss Fisher.
21.) The
way Miss Fisher looks at Jack
22.) The
way Miss Fisher says Jack’s name
23.) The
way Miss Fisher nonchalantly shrugs: “ I was attacked” and Jack is flummoxed
and so concerned; but it passes over his face like a momentary shadow
24.) The
25.) Her
26.) Jack’s
27.) Her
28.) She
can fly a plane and scale a wall and her nails are perfect and she is
always beautiful and brilliant
29.) Miss
Fisher has a glossy sheen. Her whole being.
had better kiss and get married

Oh I can answer #16! Per the 1st book, Miss Fisher's money comes from the fact that her father (a younger son) inherited the family fortune in England after everyone ahead of him in the inheritance died in the Great War...
Good stuff! Sounds like something for me. :)
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