It's no secret: I loooooooove Georgette Heyer. While I haven't indugled in as many of her historical novels or her mysteries, I am a die-hard fan of her Regencies. Next to Austen, she is the best author we have in this ilk!
I first read Georgette Heyer during the Toronto Blackout of 2003. There was no subway service, my bookstore had just been closed due to ...well... no power....and work was done for the day, so I rambled over to a park to wait for a ride and read Arabella under a tree. It was a few years until I started going all hard-core Heyer; but boy! did I ever.
I ration out Heyers so I always have more to read.
On this, her 110th Birthday, Sourcebooks ( and me! ) want to know your Heyer moment: whether it be when you first tucked into the pages of her wonderful novels or your favourite moment from one of her novels. Bonus points if you name your favourite hero: mine is Jasper from Venetia!
Comment and tell me and you have the chance to win a surprise grab-bag of 3 of her novels: 1 mystery, 1 historical and 1 of those gorgeous Regencies!
I will draw names from posters and the winner will be notified shortly!
The contest is open to Canadian and American readers.....

From August 14th until August 20th, a large selection of her e-books are on sale for 2.99! 2.99! Please go here to find your new favourite....
I first read Georgette Hayer's book "Bath Tangle" about 1 year ago on the recommendation of this blog. Loved it and have read 3 or 4 others (and agree about rationing - there aren't any more books to come so I don't want to finish them all at once!). So far my favourite hero has been Sylvester, from "Sylvester". Please pick my name in the draw!
I discovered Georgette Heyer through these great re-issues that Sourcebooks has been putting out recently. I read my first of her work last year, and I was hooked! Her style really reminds me of Jane Austen-- so classy. I haven't read any of her "modern" books yet, and I'm looking forward to it.
I've only read Venetia and Sylvester, so your choice is also mine-- not only did I enjoy Jasper, but I loved the relationship between him and Venetia. Such a great story!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
CalicoCritic at gmail dot com
I first discovered Heyer in, of all places, the grocery store. Back before Sourcebooks started reissuing her novels, Harlequin put several of the regencies out in mass market format. I was walking past the book selection and Frederica caught my eye. I picked it up on a whim and I was HOOKED!
I first discovered Georgette Heyer when the blog Austenprose held a year long celebration of GH and her Regency novels. The first one I read was Devil's Cub and I was hooked! Thanks for the giveaway!
I first read "The Grand Sophy", the only book available in my local library. It was a lonely period in my life, and her book cheered me right up and felt hopeful. Love her novels to pieces (literally!)
I like Charles from Grand Sophy. I first read her book from a library.
I discovered Georgette Heyer's books at the library one, long hot summer and enjoyed them greatly. I have yet to read the mysteries. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
An old friend introduced me to this wonderful writing which I cannot resist. I have read Venetia and would love to read the other romances. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com
I read The Grand Sophy last year after the Sourcebooks ebook sale. I had spent a long ten days packing and moving. I put my feet up on my old couch in my new house and started relaxing with my first Georgette Heyer!
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