Lady of Eve:by Tamara Leigh and THIS is the “clean” version. But, friends
it is still sizzling. The tension is …. Well…. Sorry… needed to fan myself
;) I was really impressed with this
well-layered and thoughtful medieval romance.
I read it on a bus trip two and from Stratford to see a few plays and it
was just the perfect distraction. A
perfect summer read for you historical fans
Afton of Margate Castle: by Angela Hunt What a sumptuous ride! I had no idea that Hunt was capable of this
level of narrative bliss. I mean, I knew she was good… but Afton was an
entirely different and brilliant experience.
I read it on a reading-vacation and just absolutely swooned and swayed
by the romance, the heartbreak, the meaty melodrama, the historical verisimilitude
and the penchant for character and detail
The Troubadour’s Quest: I was so very sad one night when I
was too tired, my eyelids drooping, to keep reading it before bed. I wanted to
keep going and sleep just got in the way. There are mistaken identities,
unrequited love, chivalrous deeds and a glaring, glowing sacrifice.
Stealing Adda by Tamara Leigh is a cerebral and wily look at
a romance set against the travails and triumphs of a popular romance writer who
is being poached by a rival company. I really enjoyed Leigh’s first-hand look
into the industry as a whole especially when pitted against the changes we have
seen even since this book’s first arrival on shelves.
Match of Wits: by Jen Turano is another romantic comedy in
the same vein as its predecessors, light, fluffy, predictable and the perfect
choice for a summer’s afternoon.
Full Steam Ahead by Karen Witemeyer excels at presenting an
interesting part of history: steamship engineering and has just a waft of
Beauty and the Beast sensibility in the folds of its central romance.
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