Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thoughts on "The Reichenbach Fall"

I know.... I know.... I am keeping to my promise of no full reviews of the second series of Sherlock until they air in North America.

However, the Fall at Reichenbach in and of itself is common knowledge so I can say this much about the episode.....


I guess that's what happens when you see trouble happen to friends.  For the record, Sherlock and Watson feel like my friends. I have known them of intimate bookish acquaintance for over 20 years and I feel strongly about both of them.

That's what we bookworms do.

So, if I can ever dry my tears from this stupid episode, I can stiff-upper-lip it and keep going until I am able to gush with all of you about the second round of this incredible series.

Also, Benedict Cumberbatch, if you asked me out to dinner... I would totally say yes.

Read about my trip to the REAL Reichenbach Falls in Meiringen, Switzerland here

1 comment:

Kailana said...

I really need to finish the first season so I can watch the second one at some point...