publisher: Windblown Press ( an imprint of Hatchette Book Group)
Let's get the plot out of the way so we can talk about the good stuff:
from Amazon:
High-powered executive Steven Kerner is living the dream in southern California. But when his bottled pain ignites in anger one night, his wife kicks him out. Then an eccentric mystery man named Andy Monroe befriends Steven and begins unravelling his tightly wound world. Andy leads Steven through a series of frustrating and revealing encounters to repair his life through genuine friendship and the grace and love of a God who has been waiting for him to accept it. A story to challenge and encourage, BO'S CAFE is a model for all who struggle with unresolved problems and a performance-based life. Those who desire a fuller, more authentic way of living will find this journey of healing a restorative exploration of God's unbridled grace.
Bo's Cafe is marketed as comparable to The Shack ( that little book that swept the industry this past year) and I can see why. In the same, simplistic way, it invites readers to glean deeper questions and meanings through the lens of light, popular fiction.
Bo's Cafe offers a lot to be explored, discovered and pondered and will sit well with your small group or book club. The current "seeker" trend often opens queries about spirituality, religion, the "something more" the modern world hankers for. Bo's Cafe addresses the contemporary qualms of capitalism; recession and empty commercial existence with a white-washing of compassion and grace.
Relationships, friendships and family are three themes explored within the non-threatening context of a regular jaunt. Readers will feel invited in as well as recognize the characters they are meeting and feel at home with the "every man" problems and questions that arise. In fact, the vernacular of the "every man" is probably the strongest suit of this breezy narrative. The authors do not engage with taut, literary writing nor try to boggle themselves down in jargon and description, they run through the story as quickly as Andy's car. Every one will recognize this world. They live in it.
Further proof that Bo's Cafe dwells among the every day folk is the chapter header: "God, what are you doing to me here?!" How many times have you or the members of your family screeched that to the almighty in a moment of confusion? Readers who seek fulfillment through an exploration of relationships and grace in all its gritty realism will leave this cafe fully satisfied.
For Christians: consider using the book as a means to open discussion on faith-based issues in, as aforementioned, a non-threatening way. At the back of the book, the authors speak to outreach and how you can spread the word via facebook and twitter.
How to recommend it: Something in the narrative ( the threads of grace and the theme of restoration especially) reminded me of Mitch Albom and Nicholas Sparks.
The website features podcasts, more about the authors and a great overview of the story
( leaving just enough fodder for the imagination)
But don't just listen to me !
visit the other blogs on the tour:
Happy Reading!
I noticed you did not give it a star rating. Hmm...
I noticed that too, Jessica. I think we're on the bubble! Nervous in Arizona, Bruce (one of the co-authors)
I tend not to give star ratings on blog tours.
That was fun, Rachel. Thanks for the review--it was great. No need for stars.
But, Jessica, if you still needs stars go to Amazon, and look up Bo's Cafe.
Rachel, I was just in KW, probably near your environ's.
Have a beautiful day, and I hope you get to make your own Bo's Cafe, Bruce--for John & Bill
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