Apparently I care about how our ancestors spent their
time after dusk.

It goes on and on. People had a better sense of using their other senses to wade through the dark: especially merchants returning home by horse after a long market day. In the same vein, however, and so unfortunately, our forebears were prone to any and all kind of accidents: falling in ditches, losing their footing and ending up in a well. Thank the lord for flashlights.
Night was a time of
superstition, of theft and murder, of a world unhindered by social obligations
for the most part ( those crept in in the upper classes during the 18th
Century and the Industrial Revolution changed it all ) where sleep and rest was
a God-given gift after the toil of the day.
The book speaks to everything about night. Everything that
kept our forebears ticking after the clock settled beyond the dusk hours.
The most interesting bit of the extensive research? The fact
that we used to sleep in bi-modal and segmented patterns. Get this, blog readers, research (which cites
greats works of literature, primary sources and numerous first hand accounts
from Barnaby Rudge to Jane
Eyre and Chaucer) proves that our ancestors went to be at 9 or so and woke
up in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT for a few hours thus concluding what they called “First
Sleep.” While awake, they would smoke
tobacco, talk to their bedfellows, engage in “other” night-time activities
(wink-wink, nudge), even visit neighbours, say their prayers (special matins
created for early morning that fit so tightly into the research here) before
settling into SECOND SLEEP.
With the Industrial Revolution, gas-lamps and electricity,
with the rise of coffee houses and the ability for those who were respectable
to embark on social escapades outside of the region of the local pub or tavern
(where hooligans and ladies of the night reigned supreme), people began going
to bed later and sleeping through the night. No First Sleep and Second Sleep
with a couple of interesting hours of waking interval betwixt. No. Just
sleeping straight through.
We’ve changed a lot and this book gave me the best sort of
glance into the secrets of yesteryear. There is fascinating research in here; but a lot of it and a lot of citations. So if you are willing to spend some time meandering through extensive musings on night in centuries of yore, then this is your book.
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